Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 12/26/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Today's Show

Special show in honor of the late James Brown who passed away yesterday and my grandmother, Josephine Dodd who passed away last thursday.

First Guest: Rita Adair Talking about her new establishment, Adair's Lounge

Second Guest: Mark Leyner Author of Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex? -- More Questions You'd Only Ask a Doctor After Your Third Whiskey Sour (Non-Fiction).


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 12/5/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Today's Show

First Guest: Joel Hirschhorn Author of Delusional Democracy (Non-Fiction)

Second Guests: Rita Wlodarcyk and Art Lloyd, talking about the 10th Annual Community Changemakers Awards, Dec 7th 5:30-7:00 PM at Olbrich Gardens. For more information, call Wisconsin Community Fund at 608-251-6834 or Art at 608-256-7250.

Second Half: Call-in on Jim Crowe and Afirmative Action

No-Show Guest: Shirley Pratt-Miles , Midwest Region 3 Director of the NAACP in Detroit, discussing Michigan's recent removal of Afirmative Action.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 11/28/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Today's Show

Guest: Rain Pryor , Daughter of Richard Pryor and Author of Jokes My Father Never Taught Me


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 11/21/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Special Program Note:
  • Next Week (11/28) - Rain Pryor, Daughter of Richard Pryor will discuss her famous father and her new book Jokes My Father Never Taught Me
Today's Show

No-show Guest: Scott Ritter Author of Target Iran (Non-Fiction)

First Guest: Boris Worm, Assistant Professor in Marine Conservation Biology in the Biology Department of Dalhousie University Discussing the new study Impacts of Biodiversity Loss on Ocean Ecosystem Services (Supplemental Information). For more information: Monteray Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch, Seafood Choice and Marine Stewardship Council.

Second Half: Call-in Thanksgiving thanks!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I'd Like to Buy Some Christian Women...

I don't know why, but I find this sign very funny...

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 11/14/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Special Program Notes: Today's Show

First Guest: Johanna Chao Rittenburg discussing living wage initiatives. For more information: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and Let Justice Roll

Second Guest: Milele Chikasa Anana Publisher of Umoja Magazine, discussing the death of the "N word", in the Novemeber Issue.

Third Guest: Steve Hendricks Author of The Unquiet Grave - The FBI and the Struggle for the Soul of Indian Country (Non-Fiction).

  • Soul to Soul - Sharing our Voices as a Midvale-Lincoln Community - Tonight - 6:15 - 8PM Licoln School Cafeteria. Bill Bauer from Madison Parks District will discuss the South Madison Splash Water Park. Childcare and Spanish translation will be provided, as well as food from Jada's Soul Food Restaurant. For More information: 608-204-4900
  • Thursday, November 16, 2006 - Connecting Resources: UW-Madison and the Latino Community - A day-long forum of afternoon workshops, a reception and a resource fair. Workshops include employment, business, know your rights and workshops connecting resources for Middle School, High School and UW students. For more information call 608-263-4027 or 608-263-3235 or email apalau@ohr.wisc.edu.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Dark Day

It's a dark day in the state of Wisconsin.

My Wisconsin State Journal blares VOTERS: BAN GAY MARRIAGE on it's front page. It's a dark day indeed.

Never before has our state constitution been used to limit the rights of the people of the State of Wisconsin.

I take solice that I believe in the long-run, the right thing will be done, but now it seems very dark. But it was dark for the Civil Rights Movement when Martin Luther King was assassinated, and they won in the long-run. It was dark in the movement for Women's Suffrage before they finally succeeded.

To me, though, this is why we don't have a Direct Democracy -- the American public votes in too small numbers, and are too easily misled by false prophets. (or, is it really profits?)

Democrats may have won many important races, but where it really counts, we've proven that we don't really care, and aren't paying attention.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 11/7/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

It's election day!! Exercise your rights and get out and vote! You can Register at the polls - Click for details

Today's Show

First Guest: Doreen Baingana Author of Tropical Fish - Tales From Entebbe (Fiction)

Second Guest: Robert Geller Director of Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit and Associate Professor at Emory University and an Editor of Safe and Healthy School Environments (Non-Fiction).


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 10/31/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Next Tuesday (11/7/2006) is election day!! Exercise your rights and get out and vote! You can Register at the polls - Click for details

Today's Show

First Guest: Johnny Winston, Jr School board members, call-in discussing the upcoming referendum. More information: Madison Community and Schools Together (CAST).

Second Guest: Gerald Horne John J. and Rebecca Moores Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Huston and Author of The Final Victim of the Blacklist - John Howard Lawson, Dean of the Hollywood Ten (Non-Fiction).

  • Anti-Racism Workshop - A six-week workshop led by Groundwork to examine how racism and white supremacy impact our lives, institutions and movements for social justice. Discuss the history, hear stories of resistance and analyze how white privilege plays out in our communities, working spaces and organizations. For More Information: Terry Ross 608-279-2710 or trtrtr@charter.net WNPJ story.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 10/24/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Special Program Note:

It's a pledge drive! Call 608-256-2001, 866-899-WORT or pledge online at wort-fm.org.

Today's Show

First Guest: Karen Cerulo Professor of Sociology at Rutgers University and Author of Never Saw It Coming: Cultural Challenges to Envisioning the Worst (Non-Fiction)

Second Guest: Bayo Ojikutu Author of Free Burning (Fiction).

  • Anti-Racism Workshop - A six-week workshop led by Groundwork to examine how racism and white supremacy impact our lives, institutions and movements for social justice. Discuss the history, hear stories of resistance and analyze how white privilege plays out in our communities, working spaces and organizations. For More Information: Terry Ross 608-279-2710 or trtrtr@charter.net WNPJ story.
  • The African Presence in Mexico is showing at The Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum in Chicago.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 10/17/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Special Program Note:

It's a pledge drive! Call 608-256-2001, 866-899-WORT or pledge online at wort-fm.org.

Today's Show

First Guest: Earl Ofari Hutchinson Author of The Emerging Black GOP Majority (Non-Fiction)

Second Guest: Thomas Schaller Author of Whistling Past Dixie: How Democrats Can Win Without the South (Non-Fiction).

  • Saturday, Oct 21st Starting at 10AM in Beloit - The Black Star Project in Beloit presents a funeral service for the "N word". Schedule: 10AM at Bethel AME Church 1314 Athletic Ave, Noon rally at Summit Park, Funeral Service 2PM at New Zion Baptist Church, 1905 S Mound Ave followed by a funeral procession and repast with food, music and fellowship.
  • Anti-Racism Workshop - A six-week workshop led by Groundwork to examine how racism and white supremacy impact our lives, institutions and movements for social justice. Discuss the history, hear stories of resistance and analyze how white privilege plays out in our communities, working spaces and organizations. For More Information: Terry Ross 608-279-2710 or trtrtr@charter.net WNPJ story.
  • The African Presence in Mexico is showing at The Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum in Chicago.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Torture Bill as C Code

Having made this coding error several times myself, this makes me laugh.

Schneier on Security: Torture Bill as C Code

Kevin boils down the new terrorist (and others) arrest/detainment/torture bill into a small piece of C code:

if (person = terrorist) {
} else {

There's one obvious error, but there are other problems with the code. Anyone care to comment? (BoingBoing commentary.)

(Torture Bill as C Code via Schneier on Security.)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 10/10/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Special Program Note: Today's Show

First Guest: Kim Williams - Associate Professor at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and Author of Mark One or More: Civil Rights in Multiracial America (Non-Fiction)

Second Guests: Phyliss Hill and Lloyd Mageed from The Black Star Project in Beloit - Burying the "N word". Saturday, Oct 21st Starting at 10AM in Beloit - A funeral service for the "N word". Schedule: 10AM at Bethel AME Church 1314 Athletic Ave, Noon rally at Summit Park, Funeral Service 2PM at New Zion Baptist Church, 1905 S Mound Ave followed by a funeral procession and repast with food, music and fellowship.

Third Guest: David Callahan - Co-founder of Demos and Author of The Moral Center: How We Can Reclaim Our Country from Die-Hard Extremists, Rogue Corporations, Hollywood Hacks, and Pretend Patriots (Non-Fiction).

  • Saturday, Oct 14th 8PM - Memorial Union - Death Penalty: Wrong for Wisconsin poetry slam.
  • Friday, Oct 13th 7PM - Rainbow Bookstore Cooperative - The Clarence Kalin Chapter of Veterans for Peace present a book signing for their new book Long Shadows: Veterans Paths to Peace.
  • Saturday, Oct 21st Starting at 10AM in Beloit - The Black Star Project in Beloit presents a funeral service for the "N word". Schedule: 10AM at Bethel AME Church 1314 Athletic Ave, Noon rally at Summit Park, Funeral Service 2PM at New Zion Baptist Church, 1905 S Mound Ave followed by a funeral procession and repast with food, music and fellowship.
  • Anti-Racism Workshop - A six-week workshop led by Groundwork to examine how racism and white supremacy impact our lives, institutions and movements for social justice. Discuss the history, hear stories of resistance and analyze how white privilege plays out in our communities, working spaces and organizations. For More Information: Terry Ross 608-279-2710 or trtrtr@charter.net WNPJ story.
  • The African Presence in Mexico is showing at The Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum in Chicago.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Dying with your Passwords

Schneier on Security: Dying with your Passwords

Interesting story on the risks of dying without telling anyone your computer passwords.

(Dying with your Passwords via Schneier on Security.)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 10/3/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Special Program Note: Today's Show

First Guest: Nomi Prins - journalist and Senior Fellow at Demos and Author of Jacked: How "Conservatives" Are Picking Your Pocket -- Whether You Voted for Them or Not (Non-Fiction)

Second Guest: Kitty Dukakis and Larry Tye - Authors of Shock: The Healing Power of Electroconvulsive Therapy (Non-Fiction).

  • Anti-Racism Workshop - A six-week workshop led by Groundwork to examine how racism and white supremacy impact our lives, institutions and movements for social justice. Discuss the history, hear stories of resistance and analyze how white privilege plays out in our communities, working spaces and organizations. For More Information: Terry Ross 608-279-2710 or trtrtr@charter.net WNPJ story.
  • The African Presence in Mexico is showing at The Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum in Chicago.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ya know what's disgusting?

Someone eating a peach.

I makes a really disgusting sound.

And I don't like it.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 9/12/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Special Program Note:

In two weeks (September 19th), we will have a special 10th anniversary broadcast with a live studio audience at the WORT Studios, 118 S Bedford St in Madison. If you have been on the show or been involved in the show in any way in the last 10 years or just want to see what we look like, please come down!

Today's Show

It's Primary Day! Get out and vote! You can Register at the polls - Click for details

First Guest: Juan Williams - Senior Correspondant for National Public Radio and Anchor and Commentator on Fox News Author of Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do About It (Non-Fiction).

Second Guest: Norm Stockwell - WORT Operations Coordinator, Call-in discussing 9/11 and more.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 9/5/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

Special Program Note:

In two weeks (September 19th), we will have a special 10th anniversary broadcast with a live studio audience at the WORT Studios, 118 S Bedford St in Madison. If you have been on the show or been involved in the show in any way in the last 10 years or just want to see what we look like, please come down!

Today's Show

Special call-in program featuring the two Democratic candidates running for the State's 81st Assembly District

First Guest: State Rep. David Travis - Incumbent Democratic State Representitive

Second Guest: Henry Sanders, Jr - Democratic Challenger

Tonight: Public debate between the two candidates, 7PM at the Warner Park Community Center


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 8/29/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

First Guest:

Demetric Mercandel - New Orleans resident, talking about the one-year anniversary of hurricane Katrina

Second Guest:

Fred Clark - Talking about Move Forward Not Out rally, Saturday 9/2 at the Boys and Girls Club on Allied Drive.

Third Guest:

Dr. Earl Ofari Hutchinson Author of many books, he writes The Hutchinson Report as well as for The Huffington Post.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 8/22/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

First Guests:

Nathan Larson and Students Andrea J, Clay Y, David W and Maddy V from Troy Gardens - A North-Madison community gardening project.

Second Guest:

Elaine Meryl Brown Author of Playing By The Rules (Fiction).


Monday, August 21, 2006

Nice Delivery

So, I'm riding my bike down the street, minding my own business....

When I come across a Glass Nickel Pizza delivery car double-parked, blocking an entire lane of traffic. Now, I'm all for pizza delivery being the top priority users of the road, and Glass Nickel is one of the best pizza places in Madison (it may be the best -- depends on my mood) BUT in this case, he was completely blocking one direction, and he wasn't even as close to his destination as possible!

You'll note the destination house on the left, with ample parking immediately in front. Even if he didn't want to turn around or park illegally the wrong way, he could park one car length further down the street in his direction of travel.

That is all.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 8/15/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

First Guest:

Flores A. Forbes - Former Black Panther, Currently Chief Strategic Officer, Abyssinian Development Corporation, and Author of Will You Die with Me? My Life and the Black Panther Party (Non-Fiction)

Second Guest:

Shauna Anderson "The Queen of Chitlins," Author of OFFAL GREAT, A Memoir from Shauna Anderson, The Queen of Chitlins (Non-Fiction). Order Chitlins or the book online: chitlinmarket.com or 1-866-436-9381


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Amnesty International launches global campaign against internet repression

Amnesty International is launching a campaign to "free" the internet from repression. See Their Press Release or go straight to the campaign's website, irrepressible.info.

For those of you reading this via the web, you'll see their infobox on the right-hand column. For those of you reading this via RSS, stop by the site. I can't figure out how to get an example in here. :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 8/8/2006

This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

First Guest:

Mary-Wynne Ashford - Author of Enough Blood Shed: 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror and War (Non-Fiction)

Second Guest:

Johnny Winston, Jr - Madison School Board President. Coming up this weekend: Johnny Winston, Jr Streetball and Block Party - Saturday Aug 12 Noon-7PM, Penn Park in South Madison (Corner of Fisher and Buick Streets). Basketball, Flag Football, Bingo, Music and more. For More Information: 608-441-0224 or 608-347-9715 Email: johnnywinstonjr@hotmail.com

Third Guest:

Steven Salaita - Author of Anti-Arab Racism in the USA: Where it Comes From and What it Means for Politics Today (Non-Fiction)

  • Johnny Winston, Jr Streetball and Block Party - Saturday Aug 12 Noon-7PM, Penn Park in South Madison (Corner of Fisher and Buick Streets). Basketball, Flag Football, Bingo, Music and more. For More Information: 608-441-0224 or 608-347-9715 Email: johnnywinstonjr@hotmail.com
  • MATC is considering increasing their presence in South Madison and would like input. Open community forum on Monday Auth 17 7 - 9PM at Centro Hispano, 810 Badger Road. For more information contact Erika Mader at 255-0426 or Maria G Bañuelos at 246-6460
  • The African Presence in Mexico is showing at The Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum in Chicago.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

What To Do With Your Butts...

My friend Tom Jordan always used to point out that "all signs are there for a reason" -- Someone once did the thing mentioned on the sign.

This post (theoretically) starts a new series for this blog of signs that I think are so incongruous I have to post them before I explode.

In this case, a sign at the Select Inn in Waukesha noting where we should not place our garbage.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Tanner's new plate

Hooray! Phone blogging! This probably only cost me about $300!

Tuesday 8:00 Buzz - 8/1/2006

This begins my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM

First Guest:

Sasha Abramsky - Author of CONNED - How Millions Went to Prison, Lost the Vote, and Helped Send George W. Bush to the White House (Non-Fiction)

Second Guest (no-show):

E. Lynn Harris - Author of I Say A Little Prayer (Fiction)

  • Lanterns for Peace - Sunday Aug 6th 6-9PM, Tenny Park Shelter. For More Information: 608-262-9232 mail@psrmadison.org
  • Johnny Winston, Jr Streetball and Block Parry - Saturday Aug 12 Noon-7PM, Penn Park in South Madison (Corner of Fisher and Buick Streets). Basketball, Flag Football, Bingo, Music and more. For More Information: 608-441-0224 or 608-347-9715

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Abortion manual for the women of South Dakota

kottke.org: Abortion manual for the women of South Dakota

In reaction to the South Dakota Senate passing an abortion ban bill, a woman named Molly has posted an abortion manual for the women of South Dakota:

In the 1960s and early 1970s, when abortions were illegal in many places and expensive to get, an organization called Jane stepped up to the plate in the Chicago area. Jane initially hired an abortion doctor, but later they did the abortions themselves. They lost only one patient in 13,000 -- a lower death rate than that of giving live birth. The biggest obstacle they had, though, was the fact that until years into the operation, they thought of abortion as something only a doctor could do, something only the most trained specialist could perform without endangering the life of the woman.

They were deceived -- much like you have probably been deceived. An abortion, especially for an early pregnancy, is a relatively easy procedure to perform. And while I know, women of South Dakota, that you never asked for this, now is the time to learn how it is done. There is no reason you should be beholden to doctors -- especially in a state where doctors have been refusing to perform them, forcing the state's only abortion clinic to fly doctors in from elsewhere.

(via cyn-c)

(Abortion manual for the women of South Dakota via kottke.org.)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Feynman Problem Solving Algorithm

Since a certain someone who is obsessed with drawing everything on a board, even when it isn't needed decided to erase this from my white board, I'm posting this here, because I feel like it.

The Feynman Problem Solving Algorithm:
  1. Write down the problem.
  2. Think very hard.
  3. Write down the answer.

None of these steps may be skipped, especially the first one. Which, BTW, is about the most common mistake I see around here -- often perpetrated by our mysterious white-board eraser.

Has The Boss lost his mind?!?

Per this press release:

Bruce Springsteen's album doesn't hit stores until April 25th but listeners have an exclusive opportunity to listen to the album in its entirety on-demand beginning today. Clear Channel Radio is the only place to catch a "Sneak Peek" of Bruce Springsteen's latest album, We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions. This online exclusive will be available on 390 Clear Channel Radio station Web sites!

Yes, you're reading that correctly. Bruce Springsteen (the blue collar hero and the working man's friend) has teamed up with 17 folk musicians to put out an album of Pete Seeger (counter-culture icon, blacklisted socialist, anti-war and environmental activist) songs. And it's being released (initially) only to Clear Channel Stations.

It seems clear that The Boss has lost his mind (to say nothing of his working man roots and, perhaps, credibility). I hereby move that we start a fundraising effort to get The Boss the help he so desperately needs.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Sorry, no new content in like, a long time. Been busy, been stupid. I've got so many rants floating around my head, I really should just post them. jon

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Memo To NBC, Re: Olympic Coverage.

  1. We want to see it live. We don't care if it's at 3AM or noon. I don't want to see highlights of events that feature Americans at 7PM. I want to see everything, and I want it live. I know you don't have that many networks, but you are filming the events, so put them on Digital Cable/Dish/Internet. Sure, show (live) the popular sports on the common channels. And sure, at 7PM Eastern (1AM in Turin), show packaged bits about Americans.
  2. I don't care about the hardship this athlete faced. If I want to know that, I'll look it up. As stated above, I want to see the competition, not 5-minute sappy-music-accompanied human interest fluff.

I'm sure I'll have more, I've only watched a few hours of the Olympics so far.

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Friday, February 03, 2006

Security Problems with Controlled Access Systems

Schneier on Security: Security Problems with Controlled Access Systems

There was an interesting security tidbit in this article on last week's post office shooting:

The shooter's pass to access the facility had been expired, officials said, but she apparently used her knowledge of how security at the facility worked to gain entrance, following another vehicle in through the outer gate and getting other employees to open security doors.

This is a failure of both technology and procedure. The gate was configured to allow multiple vehicles to enter on only one person's authorization -- that's a technology failure. And people are programmed to be polite -- to hold the door for others.

SIDE NOTE: There is a common myth that workplace homicides are prevalent in the United States Postal Service. (Note the phrase "going postal.") But not counting this event, there has been less than one shooting fatality per year at Postal Service facilities over the last 20 years. As the USPS has more than 700,000 employees, this is a lower rate than the average workplace.

(Security Problems with Controlled Access Systems via Schneier on Security.)

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Risks of Losing Portable Devices

Schneier on Security: Risks of Losing Portable Devices

Last July I blogged about the risks of storing ever-larger amounts of data in ever-smaller devices.

Last week I wrote my tenth Wired.com column on the topic:

The point is that it's now amazingly easy to lose an enormous amount of information. Twenty years ago, someone could break into my office and copy every customer file, every piece of correspondence, everything about my professional life. Today, all he has to do is steal my computer. Or my portable backup drive. Or my small stack of DVD backups. Furthermore, he could sneak into my office and copy all this data, and I'd never know it.

This problem isn't going away anytime soon.

There are two solutions that make sense. The first is to protect the data. Hard-disk encryption programs like PGP Disk allow you to encrypt individual files, folders or entire disk partitions. Several manufacturers market USB thumb drives with built-in encryption. Some PDA manufacturers are starting to add password protection -- not as good as encryption, but at least it's something -- to their devices, and there are some aftermarket PDA encryption programs.

The second solution is to remotely delete the data if the device is lost. This is still a new idea, but I believe it will gain traction in the corporate market. If you give an employee a BlackBerry for business use, you want to be able to wipe the device's memory if he loses it. And since the device is online all the time, it's a pretty easy feature to add.

But until these two solutions become ubiquitous, the best option is to pay attention and erase data. Delete old e-mails from your BlackBerry, SMSs from your cell phone and old data from your address books -- regularly. Find that call log and purge it once in a while. Don't store everything on your laptop, only the files you might actually need.

EDITED TO ADD (2/2): A Dutch army officer lost a memory stick with details of an Afgan mission.

(Risks of Losing Portable Devices via Schneier on Security.)

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Dutch Biometric Passport Cracked

Schneier on Security: Dutch Biometric Passport Cracked

There's a good write-up from The Register.

Two points stand out. One, the RFID chip in the passport can be read from ten meters. Two, lots of predictability in the encryption key -- sloppy, sloppy -- makes the brute-force attack much easier.

But the references are from last summer. Why is this being reported now?

(Dutch Biometric Passport Cracked via Schneier on Security.)

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Friday, January 27, 2006

I don't know..

I often hear people say I don't know. I realize that not everybody knows everything, that's impossible. Therefore, like the proverbial stupid question, there' no shame in admitting that you don't know.

Or is there?

My good friend Tom pointed out to me today that there are two places in a sentence where I don't know can be placed, and it makes a big difference:

I don't know is totally acceptable in the first half of a sentence, but never at the end Here's a classic example:

I don't know, but I'll look into it is a fine answer, as would "I don't know yet, thanks for calling it to my attention.

Implied, of course, is that I don't know as the answer to a question, say:

Why are we getting errors?

I don't know.

As was given to me is not appropriate, at least, when the question is addressed to a person who should know the answer.

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Thursday, January 26, 2006

How to Survive a Robot Uprising

Schneier on Security: How to Survive a Robot Uprising

It's Friday, so why not somthing a little silly?

This is a good start:

i'm reading about how to survive a robot uprising. i'm not gonna give away all the secrets, but i'll share a few...
  • choose a complex environment. waterfalls, street traffic, and places with lots of ambient noise confuse the robots.
  • lose your heat signature. smear yourself with mud and leaves and sit real still.
  • use uncommon words to suss out robots on the phone. robots do not know how pronounce supercalifragilisticexpealidocious.
  • find a blunt weapon. serrated edges won't work on robo exo-skeletons. nope.
  • alter your stride. robots can judge gait and injury, even height and intention, by stride, so put some rocks in your shoes and mix things up a bit. doing some ministry of silly walks stuff goes even further towards confusing them.
  • pretend that everything is normal. to forstall a mechanized killing spree, you must pretend that nothing is amiss.

Surely we can do better. Any other suggestions?

(How to Survive a Robot Uprising via Schneier on Security.)

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The Doghouse: Super Cipher P2P Messenger

Schneier on Security: The Doghouse: Super Cipher P2P Messenger

Super Cipher P2P Messenger uses "unbreakable Infinity bit Triple Layer Socket Encryption for completely secure communication."

Wow. That sure sounds secure.

(The Doghouse: Super Cipher P2P Messenger via Schneier on Security.)

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Just a Test

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Using Attributes Appropriately

A week ago, I started hearing complaints that people with Thunderbird 1.5 were having problems searching our LDAP directory. I ignored it at first, as I was busy, and figured it was a configuration problem, and I'm not responsible for mail client configurations.

In the last few days, it's turned in to a torrent of complaints, and it definitely isn't a configuration problem. So, what could it be?

It seems that the Thunderbird folks decided that the perfectly legitimate search filter

used by previous version was far too, uhm, correct. They changed it to:
(|(mail=*first last*)(displayname=*first last*)(givenname=*first last*)(sn=*first last*))
because searching on DisplayName seems like a good use of an attribute meant for the display version of a name.

This may seem innocuous enough, but it isn't. CN is Common Name, which we (and other people, I'm sure) specially handle to provide nickname searching. So, searching for cn=john miner will find me, whereas displayname=john miner doesn't (even though my first name is misspeeled..

In this case, I was able to fix it using the same custom plugin I wrote to do the nickname lookups to translate searches on displayname in to searches on cn. If not for this, it would be up to us to change user.js on every Thunderbird client, because Michael Layde found that

user_pref("ldap_2.servers.default.attrmap.DisplayName", "cn,commonname");
changes what Thunderbird uses for DisplayName. Boy, that would be fun.

Please, people, use attributes the way they are intended!

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Foiling Counterfeiting Countermeasures

Schneier on Security:

Great story illustrating how criminals adapt to security measures.

The notes were all $5 bills that had been bleached and altered to look like $100 bills, sheriff's investigators said. They passed muster with the pen because it determines only whether the paper used to manufacture the currency is legitimate, Bandy said.

As a security measure, the merchants use a chemical pen that determines if the bills are counterfeit. But that's not exactly what the pen does. The pen only verifies that the paper is legitimate. The criminals successfully exploited this security hole.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Wine: Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon

WineryBarefoot Cellars
TypeCabernet Sauvignon
YearUnknown. No date on label.
LocationModesto, California

Overall: A bit fruity for me. Not a strong Cabernet Sauvignon, seems almost a bit watery. I'm a fan of an ass-kicking Cab, which this isn't.

This wine was actually recommended to me by a friend, and came highly rated. Unfortunately, it falls way short of expectations. The lack of a vintage date on the label should have been a clue, perhaps. The label itself is ©2003, so maybe it's a recent vintage. (Then again, it isn't too recent, is it? 2003 is now three years ago.)

If you like a fruity, less dry Cab, this is for you. It's a cheap buy, and definitely beats many others in it's price-class.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

If You're Going To Read The News in English, Speak English

I'm all for diversity. I'm all for different voices reading the news. But, if you're reading the news in english, please be able to understandably speak english.

It's one thing if the person is a source, or the only person available, but just because you're looking for diversity, don't put unqualified people on the air. Adding a disabled person or a speaker who is not understandable* simply makes the news less accessible, especially to non-native english speakers who may have problems understanding other thick accents and/or difficult speech patterns.

All this does is make me change the channel. Even when it's my favorite station, one I happen to volunteer my time to.

So, how do we help people get better at speaking? Good question, and I don't have an answer. Hopefully there are smarter people out there who do.

*OK, well, what standard do we use? That's a good question that I don't know the answer to. I use the standard of what I can understand while not paying complete attention (driving, working, writing this blog entry).

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Getting Away with Punching

I used to be incensed over the fact that celebrities could literally kill people, then go to court and get away with murder. Then I became a minor celebrity and my opinion started to change.

I’m not famous enough to get away with premeditated murder, but it’s my ultimate goal. At my current level of fame I figure the most I could get away with is maybe a vigorous bludgeoning, or perhaps some high spirited groping. Those free passes could come in handy someday, but it’s not the same as knowing you can whack someone if you feel like it.

I once considered getting a teardrop tattoo so I’d look like an ex con and people would fear me. But with the Three Strikes law, being an ex con isn’t the panacea it used to be. Celebrities are the new bullies. That’s why I carry around my magazine covers just in case I get in a “situation.” When the shoving starts, I just whip out the January issue of Fortune magazine – the one with Dilbert on the cover – and say something like, “Do you know who drew that? Well DO you, punk?”

Then I go into my cage fighting stance and hope no one notices that my entire body is made of peanut brittle.

(Getting Away with Punching via The Dilbert Blog.)

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Copyright: Ownership?

The media giants have been very clear in their position. You don't own your content, you have a license to view/use it from them. In their eyes, you're not allowed to make a backup copy, install it on your iPod, watch it on a device built for a foreign region, etc., because the license they set all the terms for doesn't cover that.

This isn't fair in any eyes but theirs, of course, but let's say, for the purposes of argument, that it's all true.

Now, take one of those shiny discs, with the content you've licensed. Gaze at it warmly. Fondle its smooth digital surface. Hold it up to the light and marvel at the way the light refracts. Take out a key, and put a big scratch across it. Try to play it in your device. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Doesn't work anymore, right? But you paid good money for the license to view that content. Call the content owner up, and ask for a replacement. Patiently explain that since you already paid your $25 for a license to use the content, and they said you couldn't back it up, that you should be entitled to a new copy for the $1 or $2 cost of the media alone.

Did they say no? Fancy that. Where is all the convoluted language about licensing and right-to-view now? Is it possible that when the media is intact, you license the content, but as soon as it's scratched, you own it? Looks like it to me.

Could it be, in the end, that the huge quest to control your ability to copy content you buy, all in the name of preventing piracy, is really all about selling you the same thing over and over again?

(Copyright: Ownership? via Glenn's Junk Chest.)

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Monday, January 09, 2006

Open Letter to Those Who Call Me for Help:

It doesn't matter if it's via email or a voice mail, when you ask me a long, detailed question, include an example.

I don't want to reply to your long email with "can you give me an example?" Even more so, if you insist that I call, I don't want to call you up and say "can you give me an example?" and then spend the next few minutes figuring out what is happened, while you are on the line. I can do it more efficiently when I'm not cradling the phone, and you're not breathing in my ear.

That is all.

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Friday, January 06, 2006

Stupid Band Names

Be careful what you write in your journal:

An airline passenger with the words "suicide bomber" written in his journal was arrested when his plane arrived in San Jose, California, on Wednesday, but the words appeared to refer to music and he was later released, officials said.

..."Preliminary, what we believe is that that was the name of either a band or a song," Quy said.

I'm not sure I want "Suicide Bombers" displayed on my iPod. I certainly wouldn't want to be in a band with that name, flying around the country with crates of gear marked "Suicide Bombers." That would be asking for trouble.

On the other hand, it's pretty sad what is enough to get you arrested these days:

"A male was observed by his fellow passengers as having a journal and handwritten on the journal were the words 'suicide bomber,'" FBI spokeswoman LaRae Quy said.

"That, combined with the fact that he was clutching a backpack, and then finally he was acting a little suspiciously" prompted law enforcement to act.

My guess is that it wouldn't matter how he held his backpack; once the jittery passenger saw the words everything else was interpreted suspiciously.

(Stupid Band Names via Schneier on Security.)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

ID Cards and ID Fraud

Unforeseen security effects of weak ID cards:

It can even be argued that the introduction of the photocard licence has encouraged ID fraud. It has been relatively easy for fraudsters to obtain a licence, but because it looks and feels like 'photo ID', it is far more readily accepted as proof of identity than the paper licence is, and can therefore be used directly as an ID document or to support the establishment of stronger fraudulent ID, particularly in countries familiar with ID cards in this format, but perhaps unfamiliar with the relative strengths of British ID documents.

During the Commons ID card debates this kind of process was described by Tory MP Patrick Mercer, drawing on his experience as a soldier in Northern Ireland, where photo driving licences were first introduced as an anti-terror measure. This "quasi-identity card... I think—had a converse effect to that which the Government sought... anybody who had such a card or driving licence on their person had a pass, which, if shown to police or soldiers, gave them free passage. So, it had precisely the opposite effect to that which was intended."

Effectively - as security experts frequently point out - apparently stronger ID can have a negative effect in that it means that the people responsible for checking it become more likely to accept it as conclusive, and less likely to consider the individual bearing it in any detail. A similar effect has been observed following the introduction of chip and PIN credit cards, where ownership of the card and knowledge of the PIN is now almost always viewed as conclusive.

(ID Cards and ID Fraud via Schneier on Security.)