This continues my effort to chronicle the guests and topics covered on the
Stan Woodard's Tuesday 8:00 Buzz on WORT-FM.
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Today's Show - April 29, 2008No-show Guest: Steven Sapp Performer in Universes Theatre, performing at Overture Center on Friday.
First Guest: Norm Stockwell Discussing the upcoming Utah Phillips benefit concert to cover his medical expenses and celebrate his work and life, coming up on Wednesday May 14, 7PM at the Barrymore theatre, featuring Lou & Peter Berryman, Anne Feeney, Ken Lonnquist, Larry Penn, Kris Adams, Josh Harty, Stephen Lee Rich, John Wort Hannam, Tricia Alexander, and David HB Drake, with Skip Jones as MC sponsored by the Madison chapter of the International Workers of the World and Madison Folk Music Society.
Second Guest: Dedrick Muhammad Analyst for Institute for Policy Studies, talking about his IPS report 40 Years Later: The Unrealized American Dream", examining the progress in and challenges to economic equality between African Americans and whites since April 4, 1968. (And, of course, a little bit on Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright (also here) and Barack Obama (also here, of course)).
Musical Breaks: Black Man and I Wish from najee Plays Songs from the Key of Life -- a Tribute to Stevie Wonder by najee a EMI recording.